Suze Retera

Suze Retera

Psychologist & E-RYT 200 Yoga Teacher

Meet Suze

Suze Retera is a psychologist, Orthomolecular Advisor, TRE® provider (Trauma Release Exercises) and Yoga & Yoga Nidra facilitator, based in Amsterdam. Working in the field of yoga and personal development since 2006, she has consistently expanded her knowledge
in these fields and combined different practices to enhance their beneficial properties.

In her one-on-one sessions as well as her training, she combines her knowledge of the physical and the psychological aspects of healing into an empowering, holistic approach.

She specialises in releasing tension and trauma through the body, embodiment, auto-immune issues, hormonal health and the physical and mental manifestations of trauma.

With her clear, inspiring and personal teaching style, she makes complex material accessible and applicable.
Her passion for travel, a conscious lifestyle, and (self) healing inspired her to start Global Flow Retreats in 2006, offering yoga events that combine a deep yoga practice with sustainability and self-care.

Suze believes strongly that the holistic approach of combining yoga with disciplines like mindfulness, Ayurveda, trauma- and stress release practices, or family constellations offer all the tools we need to not only find inspiration but to gain insight and find the healing that can alter the course of our lives.

Her yoga teaching style is a combination of challenging asana sequences, focus on alignment, deep embodiment, and self-healing. The challenging parts of the practice are met with humor and clear guidance that keeps you safe and grounded. Suze’s yoga nidra and meditation classes offer you a relaxation that goes beyond just physical relaxation and allows healing to take place on a deeper level.

Suze co-teaches the Safety in Yoga Nidra & Relaxation for Yoga Therapy module with Montserrat G. Mukherjee and contributes to several other modules.

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