Sis McKeith

Sis McKeith

Yoga Therapist & Mentor

Meet Sis

As a certified Yoga Therapist, Yoga, Relax and Renew and SATYA (Sensory Awareness Training for Yoga Attunement) teacher with a background in nursing, marketing and business management, Sis McKeith brings years of experience and passion to The Yoga Therapy Institute’s team of Yoga Therapists and mentors.

Born in Norway, Sis (whose full name is Sidsel, Norwegian for Cecilia) grew up living in Norway and East Africa. Now based in Newcastle upon Tyne, in the North East of England, just across the North Sea from The Yoga Therapy Institute, Sis “zooms in” to offer support, guidance and mentoring with case study work.

In my own Yoga Therapy training, the point at which I started putting theory into practice, with real-life clients, was a pivotal moment. I consider it a huge privilege to now be able to support The Yoga Therapy Institute students in this important work”.

Sis found her true passion for teaching yoga in her mid-forties and has been a teacher ever since. After her initial training with the British Wheel of Yoga through their 500-hour teaching diploma, Sis feels fortunate to have been able to continue studying with many renowned international teachers both in person and more recently online.

Having completed her Yoga Therapy Diploma with Yoga Campus in London, and qualifying as a Relax and Renew Level 2 trainer, Sis deepened her restorative yoga teaching experience by assisting Judith Hanson Lasater in her London Relax & Renew training. She also acquired certification as a SATYA teacher with Tias Little and trained as a Thai Yoga Massage practitioner to enhance her appreciation of therapeutic movement and touch.

My teaching style, therapeutic work and own practice are heavily influenced by a continuous desire to learn, explore and develop new ways of connecting to our deeper, more subtle sense of self and being”.

As part of her continued professional and personal development, Sis continues to have occasional client supervision, and is passionate about building communities in which yoga therapists can share and learn from each other’s experience. In her yoga therapy practice, she works both in person and online, offering both one-on-one client sessions and small therapeutic group classes.

Sis cites Jon Kabat-Zinn saying: “People need different doors to come into the room so to speak, of self-awareness and self-knowing. Some people just can’t go through the mind door. They get the body door instantly”. She goes on to say, “My experience is that once we enter that room, through whichever door, (in my case it was very definitely the body door), we are rewarded with a room full of practices to enrich our journey onwards”.

Back in Newcastle, Sis shares her home with her husband Ian and a Norwegian Forest Cat, Missy. “Ian and I both love spending our free time outdoors, cycling, walking in nature or pottering in the garden whenever and wherever we can. Our other shared passions are cooking and sailing and travelling, and more recently, doting on our new grandson!

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