Esther van der Sande

Esther van der Sande

Psychotherapist, Trainer, Consultant & RYT 500 Yoga Teacher

Meet Esther

Esther van der Sande is a psychotherapist, business consultant and trainer.

For over 20 years she has followed her passion to help individuals and organisations address psychological challenges, cope with change and achieve their goals.

Esther’s organisation, Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Nederland, was established in Australia and is now headquartered in the Netherlands. It delivers training that acknowledges the profound impact of trauma on many people’s lives.

Her consulting firm, Beside Consulting B.V.  helps organisations develop, implement and embed diversity and inclusion programmes, using a trauma-sensitive approach.

The trauma-sensitive yoga and Yoga Therapy Esther teaches represents a perfect combination of skills and methodologies that help people find a home in their body and feel safe and nurtured.

Her caring, sensitive teachings in the Trauma-Informed Yoga Therapy module include how to recognise and respect your client’s traumas, tools for referral, guided movement, breathing practices and the safety protocols required for your work as a Yoga Therapist.

“Embracing cultural change and fostering empowerment to ignite transformative growth in individuals and organizations. Recognizing that true recovery and progress emerge when we honor the power within each survivor, empowering them to chart their path towards healing.” 

– Esther van der Sande, Psychotherapist, Consultant, Trainer, and RYT 500 Yoga Teacher

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